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Holi Puja | Holika Dahan | Right Time For Holi Celebration

How to remove Holi color from face

 By the way, every festival has its own color, which is called Anand or Glee, but even a festival of real colors like green, yellow, red, pink etc. is celebrated by the followers of Hinduism everywhere the planet.  This is the festival of Holi, through this, through all the colors, all the variations in the color of the culture are erased and all become just one color, while Holi is very important in the other and also religiously.  It is believed that on this day, Hariyanakashipu, who considered himself to be God, wanted to burn his own son Prahlad alive in devotion to God through his sister Holika, but God gave his blessings to the devotee and made Holika himself in the funeral pyre.  Water died.  Therefore, on this day there is also a tradition of Holika Dahan.  Holika Dahan is played with colors the next day, so it is also called Rangwali Holi and Dulhandi.

 Importance of Holi Puja

 On this day, women worship Holi for happiness, peace, prosperity, attainment of children, etc.  Preparations are started for Holika Dahan about a month in advance.  Thorn bushes or wood are collected, then Holika is burnt within the auspicious time on Holi.
Holi 2020

 9 March

 Holika Dahan Muhurta- 18:22 to 20:49

 Bhadra Tails- 09:37 to 10:38

 Bhadra Mukh- 10:38 to 12:19

 Rangwali Holi - 10 March

 Full Moon Date Start- 03:03 (March 9)

Holi 2020 is going on

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 Holi (Holi Festival 2020)

Diwali and Rakshabandhan have special significance among the major festivals of India.  At the beginning of the year, the festival of colors, Holi, is celebrated in March.  This festival, which is drenched with colors, is celebrated with pomp not only in the country but also abroad.  At the same time, Holika Dahan will be celebrated on Holkar Dahan (March 9) and Holika Dahan on March 10 and Dhulandi on March 10, and this time on March 09 is the full moon of Falgun Shukla Paksha and outside it is full of Bhadra which is considered the best.  Bhadra will remain till 1:11 pm on Monday, 09 March, the full moon is free from Bhadra in the evening.  Therefore, on this day Holika Dahan will take place at twilight bella from 6:28 pm to 6:40 pm.  Falgun Mass has started on Monday, 10 February 2020 and Holika Dahan is on Monday on full moon day.

Herbal Holi color

 Auspicious time for Holika Dahan

 Holika Dahan Date - 09 March 2020

 Holika Dahan Muhurta - 18:26 to 20:52

 Bhadra Tails- 09:37 to 10:38

 Bhadra Mukh- 10:38 to 12:19

 Full Moon Date Start- 03:03 pm (09 March 2020)

 Full moon date ends - 23:17 pm (09 March 2020)

 Rangwali Holi - 10 March 2020

 This time Holika Dahan is going to be burnt in good yoga.  Often on the day of Holika, there was trouble in big Muhurta due to Bhadra at the time of combustion.  But this time it is not happening, but this time Bhadra-free, Flag and Gaj Kesari Yoga is being made.  Tripushkar Yoga will be on 10 March.  In this yoga, you can get pleasure of building, vehicle, gold-silver jewelery or any precious item.

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 According to astrology, the work done in this yoga is done three times and the benefit of the object is also three times.  Apart from this, Gaj Kesari Yoga is also being made on Holi.  Gaj means elephant, Kesari means lion, elephant and lion relationship, ie royal pleasure.  Gaja is considered as the form of Ganesha.  The result of this yoga is based on the zodiac, constellation and the position of the Guru.  When Guru and Chandra rebel, they make Gajakesari Yoga.  This time on Holi, Tripushkar and Gajakesari yoga together will fulfill many wishes of the native.

Holi fun

 Do Holika Dahan according to amount

 According to astrology, if you are struggling with the defects of planets and constellations in your horoscope and you want to get rid of these defects, then this time offer Holika Dahan (Holika dahan) according to the zodiac sign.  So that all your desires are fulfilled and the planetary barrier is overcome.

  •  At the time of Holika Dahan, the native of Aries should offer 7 pieces of black pepper and offer it in Holika.  Health troubles will go away.

  •  Put the people of Taurus with three rounds of white sandalwood dice holika, this will relieve mental anxiety.

  •  Putting 100 grams of gram gram dal in Gemini will end the financial crisis.

  •  People of Cancer should make a sacrifice in the bonfire of 50 grams of fennel.  This will remove speech impurities and will lead to deteriorating works.

  •  By offering 250 grams of barley to the lion of the Leo zodiac, one gets rid of any disease.

  •  The natives of Virgo should put 3 pieces of nutmeg and 3 pieces of black pepper in the Holika Dahan.

  •  People of Libra should offer black sesame and 2 turmeric lumps in combustion on the day of Holika Dahan.  By doing this, there will be success and promotion in the work.

  •  On the day of Holika Dahan, people will be fortunate by giving 100 grams of yellow mustard 3 times to the Scorpio zodiac, i.e., making a sacrifice in the clock wise Holika.

  •  Putting 50 grams of rice and 50 grams of sesame in combustion of Sagittarius people will remove the constipation and will be successful.

  •  By offering Bidhar root and 5 turmeric lumps in combustion to Capricorn people, the effect of Saturn's half-and-half will be slightly reduced.

  •  The natives of Aquarius should offer a mixture of moong dal and black sesame in Holika.  This will free up wasteful expenditure.

  •  By giving 50 grams of cumin and 50 grams of salt to Holika to the people of Pisces, money will benefit and get progress.

 Note - The people of Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius, those who are half-and-half, will surely benefit by offering jaggery in combustion.  On the other hand, people of Gemini and Libra zodiac will get benefit by offering frankincense in Holika to reduce the effect of Dhaya.

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 Holika Dahan auspicious for India

 At the same time, Holika Bhadra will be impacted by India's political, economic condition due to the absence of Bhadra and the formation of two auspicious yogas (Tripushkar, Gajkesari). This Holi will be fortunate for the country based on astrological assessment.  India's business will benefit and Gajkesari Yoga will overcome the slowdown in the business world.  The influence of India is Capricorn.  A good plan will be made for the Government of India, there will be a big change in the field of education.  A new employment plan will be made.  Corruption will be curbed, inflation will be controlled.  But the price of petrol and diesel will increase, the prices of food items will rise.  At the same time, terrorist incidents will occur on the border area, but the efforts made by the government will control these incidents.  A big scandal will be busted and the names of popular people will open in it.  If we talk about the states, there will be a coup in a big state.  Along with this, education, health, administration in all departments will progress.  This year Holika Dahan will be auspicious for the whole of India.  India will grow globally and GDP growth is expected. How to remove Holi color from face?

Holika Dahan - Holi worship method and auspicious time

 Holi, on hearing the name of this festival, many colors start spreading before our eyes.  We also find ourselves in different colors.  But this colorful Holi is actually called Dhundali.  Holi is actually a celebration of Holika Dahan which is celebrated as the victory of good over evil.  This festival strengthens our faith in God and inspires us to be more spiritually oriented.  Because on this day God protected his devotee Prahlada and Holika herself used to resort to deceit to kill him.  Since then Holika Dahan is done every year on Phalgun Purnima.  In many places this festival is also called Chhoti Holi.  This year Holika Dahan will be done on 09 March 2020.  Let us know what is the method of worship of Holi?  How to make HoliWhen should we burn Holi?
Holi 2020 images

How to make holi

 Holi is made before Holika Dahan, its process starts a month before Magha Purnima.  On this day, a branch of Gular tree is buried in an open place in a village or locality, it is also called as a Holi stick.  Then thorn bushes or wood are gathered around it.  In densely populated villages, different holes are also made according to the locality.  They also compete on whose Holi will be much larger.  However, there has been a slight decrease in this trend at present, due to the increasing busyness of children, youth in other things.  Then, on the day of Phalgun Purnima, women of the village, girls worship Holi.  Women and girls also make shields, barkale etc. from cow dung seven days before, other sizes of toys are also made from cow dung, then make their garlands and put them in Holi after worship.  In this way Holika is ready for combustion.  The stick which was earlier buried during Holika Dahan is taken out of the burning Holi and poured into the pond etc. In this way it is protected as Prahlad.  The extractor is also rewarded.  But this trend is also ending gradually due to the risk.

Holi images 2020

 Holi Puja Vidhi

 Holi is worshiped before Holika Dahan.  If a lotta Ganga water is not available in the worship material, fresh water can also be taken, roli, garland, colored alphabet, incense for smell or incense sticks, flowers, jaggery, raw yarn, whole turmeric, moong, bache, coconut  And new crop grains like wheat earrings, ripe gram etc.

 Along with the pooja material, a shield made of cow dung is also kept near Holika.  During the auspicious time of Holika Dahan, four garlands are kept separately.  Which are made from molly, flowers, gulal, shield and toys.  In this, a garland is kept in the name of fathers, the second for Shree Hanuman Ji, the third is Shitala Mata, and the fourth is kept in the name of family.  After this, a thread of raw cotton is wrapped around the Holi with full devotion.  Holika is circled three or seven times.  After this, other worship materials including pure water are offered one by one to Holika.  Holi is worshiped by Panchopchar method and arghya is given with water.  After Holika Dahan, raw mango, coconut, satnaz, sugar toys, new crop etc. are offered in Holika.  In Satnaaj, wheat, urad, moong, gram, rice, barley and lentils are mixed and its offering is made.

 According to the Narada Purana, on the next day of Holika Dahan (on the day of color Holi), in the morning, one should wake up in the morning and retire from the necessary routine, and perform puja for the ancestors and deities.  Also, for the peace of all the doshas, ​​Holika's Vibhuti should be worshiped and applied in her body.  The courtyard of the house should be dipped with cow dung and made a square in it and decorated with colored axes and worshiped in it.  By doing this, growth of age, attainment of health and fulfillment of all desires.

Holi Celebration in India 2020

 When to do Holi Dahan

 According to Hindu scriptures and customs, Holika Dahan is said to be done on the full moon day during Pradosh Kaal.  Without Bhadra, Pradosh Vyapini Purnima Tithi is considered best for Holika Dahan.  If such yoga is not sitting, Holika Dahan can be done when Bhadra ends.  If Bhadra is till midnight, in such a situation, there is a law to burn Holika during Bhadra tail.  But Holika Dahan is not done in any face in Bhadra Mukha.  This belief has also been supported in Dharmasindhu.  According to the scriptures, Holi Dahan in Bhadra Mukh not only hurts the combustionist but it is also harmful for the entire village, city and countrymen.  If Holika Dahan is not possible in both Pradosh and Bhadra Tails under special circumstances, then Holika Dahan should be done after Pradosh.

 If Bhadra tail prevails before Pradosh and after midnight, then it cannot be taken for Holika Dahan because the Muhurta of Holika Dahan is determined between sunset and midnight only.

Holi festival 2020

 How long will Holashtak take?

 Holika takes place eight days before Holika Dahan, during which no auspicious work is done nor any religious rites are performed.  Even for the last rites, it is necessary to worship peace.  Holashtak will start from 03 March 2020.

 Auspicious time for Holika Dahan

 Holika Dahan Date - 09 March 2020

 Holika Dahan Muhurta - 18:26 to 20:52

 Bhadra Tails- 09:37 to 10:38

 Bhadra Mukh- 10:38 to 12:19

 Full Moon Date Start- 03:03 pm (09 March 2020)

 Full moon date ends - 23:17 pm (09 March 2020)

 Rangwali Holi - 10 March 2020


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